Monday, November 30, 2015

Understand Persistence Context Collision in JEE

When deal with persistence layer in JEE application, persistence context is the magic that make your entity instances different from a normal POJO. Persistence context manages the entity instances to make it finally synchronized with database.

The persistence context collision happens when invoking stateful session bean from a stateless session method if both beans has their EntityManager defined. (BTW, Use stateful bean from stateless bean itself is not a good idea, but this article just focuses on persistence context)

In this article, for simplicity, when we mention stateless bean, we mean a stateless bean with EntityManager variable and its methods operate on the persistence. When  we mention stateful bean, we mean a stateful bean with EntityManager variable and its methods operate on persistence. In short we only talk about beans in persistence layer.

0. Basic rules about persistence context

Here are some basic rules about persistence context:

There will be only one active persistence context at any time for a transaction.

JEE container can propagate persistence context between different EntityManager variables in a single transaction. (Different EntityManager field variables of different beans can use the same persistence context).

Stateless bean usually use transaction-scoped persistence context, which means when the transaction is over, the persistence context is also gone. (When the bean's method is over, transaction is gone, persistence context is also gone)

Stateful bean usually use extended persistence context. The persistence is created when the bean instance is created and only destroy when the stateful bean is removed. The extended persistence context will be associated to a transaction when a method of stateful bean is called. When the method is over, transaction is gone, but the persistence context doesn't  go with the transaction but stay for the next transaction until the whole stateful bean is removed by the container.

Stateful bean always use his own extended  persistence context,  if the active persistence context is not the extended one, javax.ejb.EJBException will be thrown, this is called persistence context collision. This usually happens when call a stateful bean from a stateless bean.

Let see a simple example of persistence context collision.

1. Define pom.xml

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>jee-persistence-context-collision Maven Webapp</name>

<!-- where glassfish 4.0 is installed -->

<!-- Use Java 1.7 -->

<!-- use mvn cargo:run to deploy and start server-->

The pom has 1 dependency for JEE 7 and 2 plugins. The first plugin specify the Java version (Java 1.7), the second one is for deploying package to local glassfish 4.0 with maven command-line. Demo use glassfish 4.0 as JEE container.

2. Define entity class

A very simple entity class with 2 fields, int clientId and String name.

package com.shengwang.demo.entity;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Client {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "CLIENT_ID")
private int clientId;

private String name;

/* getter setter omitted */

public String toString() {
return "{" + clientId + "," + name + "}";

The entity is trivial.

3. Define stateful bean

package com.shengwang.demo.session;

import javax.ejb.Stateful;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType;

import com.shengwang.demo.entity.Client;

public class MyStatefulBean {
@PersistenceContext (type=PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED) // extended
EntityManager em;
Client client;

public String changeClientName() {
if (client == null) {
client = em.find(Client.class, 1);
client.setName(client.getName() + "_" + "hello");

return client.toString();

This stateful bean just for demo, so doesn't make much sense. Its only method change the first client's name, add suffix to the name.

4. Define stateless bean

package com.shengwang.demo.session;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import com.shengwang.demo.entity.Client;

public class MyStatelessBean {
EntityManager em;

MyStatefulBean statefulBean;

public String methodA() {
String c1 = em.find(Client.class, 1).toString(); // any operation of em
String c2 = statefulBean.changeClientName();

return c1 + "," + c2;

The stateless bean has one method, methodA. Call the em.find() first then call the stateful beans's method. Calling methodA() will cause persistence context collision!

Why? Because the transaction-scoped persistence is created lazy,  so it(PC-A) will be created only when em.find()  called, and this persistence context is now the active persistence context. But the stateful bean with extended persistence context init persistence context eagerly, which means the stateful bean already has a persistence context(PC-B) when it initialized. Now the active persistence context propagated to stateful bean,PC-A,   is not the extended persistence context PC-B. So collision happens and exception will be thrown. We can see this when we try to run it below.

5. Define a servlet as EJB client

To use the beans we defined above, let's define a simple servlet.

package com.shengwang.demo.servlet;


import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.shengwang.demo.session.MyStatefulBean;
import com.shengwang.demo.session.MyStatelessBean;

@WebServlet(name = "testServlet", urlPatterns = { "/test" })
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

MyStatelessBean statelessBean;

MyStatefulBean statefulBean;

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
String str = statelessBean.methodA();

PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
out.printf("%s", str);

In the servlet, the stateless bean's only method is invoked.

6. Config persistence.xml

Usually the META-INFO/persistence.xml is simple for JEE applications, tell the server which data source application wants to use.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="demo-persistence-unit" transaction-type="JTA">

There's a data source on server with JNDI name  jdbc/MySqlDataSource.


Finally, before running the demo, the project hierarchy looks like below.


7. Run the demo

Run the demo with mvn command-line:

mvn clean verify cargo:run

This command will start glassfish server and deploy our application to it. Then access the servlet by browser. You can see the exception: javax.ejb.EJBException: There is an active transactional persistence context for the same EntityManagerFactory as the current stateful session bean's extended persistence context


8. What's more

What will happen if we make a little change to the stateless bean.

public class MyStatelessBean {
EntityManager em;

MyStatefulBean statefulBean;

public String methodA() {

// These 2 lines switch order
String c2 = statefulBean.changeClientName();
String c1 = em.find(Client.class, 1).toString();

return c1 + "," + c2;

The order of two lines are swithed. Now the demo can run without any exception.

Why? Because when invoke the stateful bean there is no persistence context yet, so the stateful bean's method can use its own extended persistence context to run. Then the em.find() is invoked, a transaction-scoped persistence create when first em operation invoked. So these 2 lines use different persistence context! If this is understood, then then output also makes sense to you.


Furthermore, If you really need to call stateful bean from stateless bean in it original order, which cause the persistence context collision. Here are some detours ( think twice when you want to do this):

1. Mark stateful bean (or its method invoked by stateless bean) REQUIRE_NEW for TransactionAttributeType. So there will be 2 transactions for stateless and stateful bean respectively. Each transaction can has its own persistence context. Similar scenario like above, entities may have different values on different context.

2. Mark stateful bean (or its method invoked by stateless bean) NOT_SUPPORT for TransactionAttributeType. If only invoke stateful bean's read-only operation from stateless bean.  (Servers like Glassfish may need to config JDBC connection pool to enable Non Transactional Connections)

3. Use Application-Managed EntityManager instead of the default Container-Managed Entity Manager in the stateful bean.

Monday, November 23, 2015

How to setup a maven JEE project in Eclipse

Let's suppose you are new to JEE programming. After reading oracle official JEE tutorial document for a few days, you decide to get your hands wet.  You  download and install a JEE container, GlassFish 4 in this tutorial,  to your PC. You have JDK,maven and Eclipse all ready. So, what's next?

This demo shows you how to create maven project in Eclipse that can automatically deploy to a local GlassFish server. 

0. What you need

  • JDK 7+
  • Glassfish 4.0
  • Maven
  • Eclipse Java EE IDE (Luna 4.4.2 used in this demo)

1. Create a Empty Maven project in Eclipse



Since the demo is about servlet, so choose webapp archetype. For EJB you can choose the most simple one "maven-archetype-quickstart". The click  next until finish.

2. Modify pom.xml

Modify pom file for 4 reasons.

  • Change default package from "jar" to "war"
  • Add JEE dependency
  • Change default Java version to 1.7 
  • Configure Cargo plugin so we can use maven command-line to deploy you JEE package to server
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>jee-servlet-demo Maven Webapp</name>

<!-- This is where I have my glassfish installed -->

<!-- JEE dependency -->


<!-- Use Java 1.7 -->

<!-- config cargo use local installed Glassfish -->


3. Change Servlet version

The just created project may have error about servlet version, since the archetype in Eclipse is not actively maintained. The project is still using servlet version 2.3.  There's also a bug in Eclipse that you can't change the version, You can only disable the Dynamic Web Module facets and set it again.

Right click on project name, and choose "Project Facets", then unselect Dynamic Web Module first.


Uncheck the Dynamic Web Module, click OK to finish.  Then open project facets again, set it back.


4. Set JEE application related config 

In this demo, servlet need a web.xml for deploy. If writing a EJB has persistence, then you may need a JPA config file persistence.xml.

<web-app xmlns=""

<display-name>Demo for jee servlet hello world config</display-name>


The web.xml for this JEE servlet is almost empty. There is no <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> for normal servlet container (like tomcat) deployment. Because JEE server can automatic register servlets with annotation @WebServlet

5. Define Java class

We has only one class to write, If the src/main/java directory not exists, create it by hand.

package com.shengwang.demo;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

@WebServlet(name = "helloServlet", urlPatterns = { "/hello" })
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
out.printf("%s", "hello world from a JEE servlet");

This class use JEE annotation @WebServlet to provide http service at url localhost:8080/context_name/urlPattern . context_name is set in pom.xml by <finalName>, urlPattern is the urlPattern set in Java code. So for this demo the url is http://localhost:8080/jee-servlet-demo/hello

All done, now this 3-files project hierarchy looks like:


6. Run

Use maven command line to auto deploy our servlet to the local GlassFish server.

mvn clean verify cargo:run

The console output looks like below, the cargo maven plugin will start server and deploy automatically.


Now access our hello world level JEE servlet by browser.


Now if you open admin console of GlassFish, you can see our demo is correctly deployed. (Login required, default user is 'admin', default password is 'adminadmin' for cargo plugin)


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Low-level synchronization in Java

Low level synchronization is the mechanism used before package java.util.concurrent was introduced into Java 1.5. You may not use it since the modern Java provide more high level sync mechanism since Java 1.5, but understand low-level sync can help you understand high-level counterparts like java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition, which not only duplicates low-level's function but also provides more flexibility.

The low-level sync mechanism requires 2 things:

  • keyword synchronized
  • methods wait/notify(notifyAll)

BTW, you may notice that wait()/notify() methods are build-in nature for every Java Object.


In this article, we try to build a simple producer/consumer model. They both work on an ArrayList, but consumer thread will block if the list is empty. As long as a producer thread put in a Integer into the list, the consumer can resume from the blocking and continue. (In reality, java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue should be used instead write your own one).

0. How it works

In low-level sync, lock can be acquired from every object. we call it monitor lock, monitor, technically speaking, is the object whose lock you are acquiring. In this demo an ArrayList instance (called queue, see blow java definition) is the monitor we try to get lock from. 

Keyword synchronized(...) is used to acquire locks. although it looks like a methods but it's a keyword( You can  NOT Ctrl + click to goes into its implementation like a method of any Object). Synchronized block is always based on an object instance, the monitor, which is the parameter of synchronized(...)

wait() and notify() can only be called after the lock acquired, which means these methods can only be called within synchronized block.

when wait() invoked,  lock will be immediately release. then thread suspend. You may think "thread steps back from running and enters some kind of a  waiting-room" . The thread stays in "waiting-room" until notify() get called. Then this thread will try to get the lock again.After acquired the lock again, the wait() method finishes.

when notify() invoked, "one of the waiting thread gets out of the waiting-room" . normally this thread will soon get CPU time and  run again. notify() don't release lock, so it normally is put just before end of the synchronized block. When synchronized block ends, lock released.  If there are more threads in "waiting-room" which one get out is random. notifyAll() make all waiting threads get out of the waiting room, but only one of them can get lock.  So these thread will run one by one.Running order is not guaranteed.

1. Demo

There are 3 classes, consumer, producer and main class. Firstly define MyProducer class.

class MyProducer implements Runnable {
private List<Integer> queue;

public MyProducer(List<Integer> queue) {
this.queue = queue;

public void put(Integer e) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (queue) {
System.out.printf("put %d to queue\n", e);

public void run() {
try {
put(new Integer((int) (Math.random() * 10))); // random 0 ~ 9
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

The producer class implement Runnable interface and just input a random number into to list.  The instance variable queue are pass in by constructor, on which lock will be acquired by call synchronized(queue). The notify() is invoked to notify any thread may stay in the "wait-room" that this queue is not empty anymore.  

Secondly define MyConsumer class.

class MyConsumer implements Runnable {
private List<Integer> queue;

public MyConsumer(List<Integer> queue) {
this.queue = queue;

public Integer take() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (queue) {
while (queue.isEmpty()) {
return queue.remove(0);

public void run() {
try {
System.out.printf("Try to take from queue\n");
System.out.printf("take %d from queue\n\n", take());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

The consumer will try to get an element out of the list. if the list is empty, consumer thread will wait.

Finally the main class.

public class MyArrayBlockingQueue {
static private List<Integer> queue = new ArrayList<>();

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
MyProducer pr = new MyProducer(queue);
MyConsumer cr = new MyConsumer(queue);

Thread p1 = new Thread(pr);
Thread p2 = new Thread(pr);

Thread c1 = new Thread(cr);
Thread c2 = new Thread(cr);


The main class creates 2 producer threads and 2 consumer threads. The first producer thread p1 put a integer into the list and first consumer thread c1 take it out. Then second consumer c2 try to take from the empty list, it will block until 5 seconds later, the second producer p2 put integer into the list.

2. what's more.

Now you should understand how low-level synchronization mechanism works and the usage for methods wait()/notify() of every objects. In reality, you should use high-level sync mechanism like Lock, Condition and many other power ways provided in package java.util.concurrent and java.util.concurrent.locks.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Understand Glassfish JDBC configuration by inspecting JDBC DataSource API

When configure DataSource on JEE container Glassfish, There are 2 things need to be set, JDBC Resource and JDBC Connection Pools.


What's the difference and why are these two items? What's the relation between them? We can answer that by inspecting the Java JDBC API, mainly in package javax.sql

1. How to connect to DB

To work with DB in Java, the application must have a connections  (java.sql.Connection) to the database.  There are 2 ways to get a connection in JDBC:

  • Method 1, using static method, DriverManager.getConnection(url). This is a very old way, still valid, only used in small standalone applications, doesn't support pooling.
  • Method2, using DataSource interface. Recommended. In most case work with JNDI lookup to get one from a container.

2. The hierarchy of DataSource



There are some points need to be noticed about this diagram:

They are all interfaces. No concrete class at all.

There are 3 interfaces related to data source, DataSource/ConnectionPoolDataSource/XADataSource.

Application Java code will ONLY come into contact with the green part. DataSource and Connection.

ConnectionPoolDataSource instance can create PooledConnection instance( know,name tells all), XADataSrouce can create XAConnection (for distributed transaction)

The ConnectionPoolDataSource, although may sounds like, but is not a Child of DataSource. In other words, A  ConnectionPoolDataSource instance can't be simply casted to DataSource instance. So inside a DataSource instance, the real work will somehow be delegate to a ConnectionPoolDataSource/XADataSouce.

Same thing applied to Connection. The Connection has nothing to do with PooledConnection, although they looks similar. No casting but delegation.

Up to know you should understand the relationship between JDBC Resource and JDBC Connection Pools in Glassfish Administration GUI. Think JDBC Resource as DataSource and JDBC Connection Pools  as ConnectionPoolDataSource.

3. Using MySQL in Glassfish

Let's use MySQL's official developer guide on "Using Connector/J with GlashFish" as a testify. On this document, the configuration has 2 steps:

  • step1. Creating a Connection Pool, filling in  information like DB's IP address, username and password for make "real" connections to database.
  • step2. Create a JDBC Resource. choose a pool created in step 1 and set a JNDI name for it.  We can say the JDBC Resource HAS-A pool.

The steps can pretty much demonstrate the hierarchy of DataSource in JDBC API, which once get understood will make the configuration steps make sense and easy to remember.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Break down class "Files" of java 7 NIO.2

Since Java 7, File related IO operation has been redesigned. The following 3 classes/interfaces are key for file related operations: Path,Paths, and Files. They are all in package java.nio.file. Among all these 3, Files is the most fundamental one.

0. Brief about Path and Paths

Paths is a concrete classes which only has method get(...) to create Path instance. so Paths is just a factory class whose only usage is get a Path instance from a input String or URL to static method get(...)

Path is an interface designed to replace old-styled class.  First thing to notice is that Path is not a class but a interface, can't create instance with keyword new. So Paths was introduced for doing the initial.  Second thing need to know about Path is its all method will not do all really I/O, just string manipulation. All methods of Path will not touch anything on the HD. For example method to normalize a path "/usr/local/../bin/../tmp" to path "/usr/tmp" located in class Path.

Then who make the "real" I/O operation? The class Files - this beauty has it all! 

1. Anatomy of class Files

Files is a concrete class only has plenty of static methods. All most all methods need Path instance as its first parameter.


There seems a lot of stuff, but take it easy, let's go through them step by step. The functions can be categorized in 4 groups.  Also The diagram contains most used methods of Files, but not all. The methods' signature are simplified just for easy to understand without bothering too many details.

  • group 1, basic manipulation. Create/Delete/Rename/Move a file or directory on the file system.
  • group 2, go through directory. 2 methods used to list directory contents without and with subdirectories respectively.
  • group 3, read/write content of file.
  • group 4. get/set file related attributes (the rest parts on the above diagram with pink/blue/green colors)

1.1 Basic I/O manipulation

The methods in these group are pretty self-explained.  By utilizing methods in this group you should be able solve followings:

  • How to create/copy/rename/move/delete a single file?
  • How to create/copy/delete empty directory, rename/move non-empty directory?

There is no single method can copy/delete non-empty directory, has to fulfill that with methods in group 2.

1.2 Go through directory

There are 2 methods in this group. Method newDirectoryStream() works just like command-line 'ls' or 'dir', not recursively deep into subdirectories. On the contrary, walkFileTree() recursively go though every subdirectories.

How to list a directory, only one tier?

  public static void listDirectory(String dir) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(dir);
DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path, "*.java");

for (Path p:dirStream) {
// do something will every file/subdir in this directory

How to go through a direcoty recursively, include all subdirectories ?

  public static void goThoughDirectoryRecursively(String dir) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(dir);
Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path> () {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
System.out.println(path); // print out name of every file/directory
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

The walkFileTree() usage is a standard incarnation of "Visitor" design pattern.

1.3 Read/write file contents

These group are for reading or writing contents of file. Use Reader/Writer for text file and InputStream/OutputStream for binary file. Also there are helper methods to read all contents at once for small files.

  public static void readSingleFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

// print the file content to screen
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

1.4 Get/set file attributes

The file and directory on file system can have many attributes, some basic attributes like creation/access/modification time. some of the attributes are specific to windows, like is the file hidden? Some of them are specific to Unix, like is the file writable to other users?

There are 3 ways to get/set file attributes:

  • Use simple shortcut static methods provided by class Files to test and set  (pink on the diagram)
  • Use attributes related classes  like XXXFileAttributes and XXXFileAttributeView (blue on the diagram, see explanation below)
  • Use powerful shortcut static methods getAttribute()/setAttribute() (green on the diagram, see blow)

1.4.1 simple shortcut

The methods for simple shortcuts are ....simple. yes, they are strait forward.  But simple shortcuts don't cover all attributes just some most used ones. Also you may already notice that fewer methods for set than get. ( There is a 'hole' on up-right corner). Shortcut methods in fact just use other attributes related classes we will see below for simplicity.

1.4.2 attributes related classes

Check the blue part on the diagram, left 3 named like XXXFileAttributes, which are read-only. Right 3 named like XXXFileAttributeView are used for file attribute modification.  The XXX here in class name is called view-name, we'll see the usage of view-name very soon.

Here is code snippet to read file attributes on windows.

  // test if a file is read-only on Windows
public static boolean isFileReadOnly(String fileName) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
DosFileAttributes dosAttr = Files.readAttributes(path, DosFileAttributes.class);
return dosAttr.isReadOnly();

Here is code snippet for modify file attributes on Linux

  // set file permission to "rw-r--r--" on Linux
public static void modifyFilePermission(String fileName) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
PosixFileAttributeView posixAttrView = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, PosixFileAttributeView.class);

1.4.3 powerful shortcut

Unlike simple shortcuts, powerful shortcuts only have a pair of getAttribute(path,attributeString...)/setAttribute(path,attributeString...) , but can cover all file attributes. The format of string parameter attributeString is  [view-name:]attribute-name

  • The default value for view-name is basic
  • The attribute-name is in lower case.
  • Need type-casting because get/set only return or use Object instance as values 

We have a code snippet above isFileReadOnly(...) to test if a file is read-only on windows. Here is the equivalent.

  // test if a file is read-only on Windows 
public static boolean isFileReadOnly(String fileName) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
return (boolean) Files.getAttribute(path, "dos:readonly");


Get a clear view of class Files will give you a good understanding of file related I/O functions in Java 7 + NIO.2.  Again let's review these 4 groups :

  • group 1, basic manipulation. Create/Delete/Rename/Move a file or directory on the file system.
  • group 2, go through directory. 2 methods used to list directory contents without and with subdirectories respectively.
  • group 3, read/write content of file.
  • group 4. get/set file related attributes (the rest parts on the above diagram with pink/blue/green colors)

How to understand < ? super Child> in Java Generics

In Java, polymorphism does NOT apply to generic types. So suppose class Child extends from class Parent, then the following 2 lines, only the first can pass compilation.

  Parent var = new Child();  // compiler is happy with this
ArrayList<Parent> myList = new ArrayList<Child>(); // compilation error

The way to bring the idea of inheritance into Java generic types is using <? extends Parent> or <? super Child>. In this article we'll see how to understand the meaning of syntax <? super Child> in Java generics. 

Check another article on how to understand syntax <? extends Parent> in Java generics.

0. Clarify concept

  interface Animal{ }
class Dog implements Animal { }
class Cat implements Animal { }

public void test() {
// make sure you understand these 2 lines
List<Animal> pList = new ArrayList<Animal>();
pList.add(new Dog()); // It's fine

There is a List of type Animal variable pList. Can a Dog instance be added to this list? The answere is yes, because the Dog IS-A Animal;

1. Basic meaning

<? super Child> refer to any class that see class Child as its descendent.

<? super Child> can be used for variables definition and  method's parameter, but most used in latter.

2. Make a collection (kind of) write-only

If generic types' syntax <? super Child> used as method's parameter definition, then the parameter is (kind of) write-only. Usually it's used with a collection parameter.

Why ? Let's image you have a method  addDogToList defined like

  void addDogToList (List<? super Dog> myList) {
myList.add(new Dog()); // design to add Dog to collection

Cat obj = (Cat) myList.get(0); // Compile OK, but risky!
// Never explicitly cast type
// when using generic types

The addDogToList has a paramenter myList as type List<? super Dog>.  So the following usage are both correct since Dog instance can be add to a either Dog list or Animal List (see charter 0. clarify concept above)

  addDogToList(new ArrayList<Dog>());
addDogToList (new ArrayList<Animal>());

we just explained why "write" to that list is OK, but why "write-only"? Technically speaking, you can read elements from collection marked by , but the return type is Object, which means you can cast it to any Class you want and the compiler will let you pass anyway, like what we did above, we cast element to type Cat, but during runtime that normally means a disaster. Furthermore, the whole meaning of Generics is to eliminate type casting for the sake of type-safe. That's why call it "kind of write-only" (you can read, but don't)

3. Recap

When use a collection variable with <? super Child> style, it means " Hey, I'm going to add Child instance into this collection, just make sure the argument passed in can hold new Child instance."

Monday, November 9, 2015

How to understand < ? extends Parent> in Java Generics

In Java, polymorphism does NOT apply to generic types. So suppose class Child extends from class Parent, then the following 2 lines, only the first can pass compilation.

  Parent var = new Child();  // compiler is happy with this
ArrayList<Parent> myList = new ArrayList<Child>(); // compilation error

The way to bring the idea of inheritance into Java generic types is using <? extends Parent> or <? super Child>. In this article we'll see how to understand the meaning of syntax <? extends Parent> in Java generics. 

Check another article on how to understand syntax <? super Child> in Java generics.

1. Basic meaning

<? extends Parent> means any class that see class Parent as its ancestor. Parent can be either a class or an interface. (yes, interface is OK although keyword extends is used)

<? extends Parent> can be used for variables definition and  method's parameter

2. Make a collection read-only

If generic types' syntax <? extends Parent> used as method's parameter definition, then the parameter is read-only. Usually it's used with a collection parameter, and that collection is read-only inside the method.

Why ? Let's image you have a method printName defined like

  interface Animal{
String getName();
class Dog implements Animal { // omit getName implementation }
class Cat implements Animal { // omit getName implementation }

void printName(List<? extends Animal> animals) {
// Good to read from List
for (Animal animal : animals) {
System.out.println (animal.getName());

// Error when write to list, compile fail
animals.add(new Dog());

The printName has a paramenter animals as type List<? extends Animal>.  So the following usage are both correct since Dog and Cat are all subclass of Animal.

  printName (new ArrayList<Dog>());
printName (new ArrayList<Cat>());

Now let answer the question about why read-only. In method printName, every element out of list can be guaranteed IS-A type Animal, that's why read from list is OK. But when try to add new element,  the compiler has no idea the input list animals has Dog or Cat in it. Because anyone can call this printName method with eight Dog list or Cat list. This information is unknown to compiler, so all the java compiler can do is  fail there to avoid making severe mistakes adding  a Dog instance into a Cat list.

3. Recap

When use a collection variable with <? extends Parent> style, it means " Hey, I'm gonna use elements in this collection and make sure every one in this collection fulfill IS-A type Parent requirement. But I promise will never ever try to add anything back into this collection"

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Glob in Java file related match

Globs are not regular expression. Glob is simpler and earlier than regular expression. For historical reasons, glob are more used as file name or file path filtering.

In Java 7 NIO package has 2 places that glob appears as file names or file path filter. One is when you create a PathMatcher to test if a java.nio.file.Path instance matches a patten like

Path path = Paths.get("");
PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:*.java");
boolean isJavaFile = matcher.matches(path); // true

The other is when create a DirectoryStream to iterate all files and subdirectories( not including files under subdirectories, just like the command 'dir' or 'ls')

Path dir = Paths.get("/tmp");
try (DirectoryStream<path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir,"[vt]*")) {
for (Path path : stream) {
System.out.println(path.getFileName()); // only files start with 'v' or 't'

Here are the rules for glob:

  • * match any char except a directory boundary
  • ** match any char include a directory boundary
  • ? match any ONE char
  • [] same as regular express, like [0-9] match any ONE digit.
  • {} match a collection of patten separated by comma ','. Such as {A*, b} means either a string start with 'A' or a single char 'b'.

More examples:

pathglobmath result

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A brief in Java string format

When to format a Java String using System.out.printf or System.out.format, The syntax for the format is :


Here are more explanation:
  • arg_index    An integer with suffix '$'. begin with 1, not 0. The position of the args.
  • flags 
    - Left-align, default is right-aligned
    + Include +/-before number
    0 Pad with zeros before number
    , User comma to separate number
    ( Enclose negative numbers in parentheses. '-' will not display
  • width  The width of the printed String, very useful to get table like output
  • precision  For float/double, specify the digits after "."
  • Conversion_char
    b boolean
    c char
    d integer
    f float/double
    s string

Below is a simple example for demostration

System.out.printf("<%3$03d><%2$6s><%1$10s><%4$+10.2f>\n", "Tom","M",1,688.972); // arg_indx
System.out.printf("<%03d><%6s><%10s><%+10.2f>\n", 2,"M","Jerry",-12.345);
System.out.printf("<%03d><%6s><%10s><%(10.2f>\n", 3,"F","Rose",-12.345);

The "<"  and ">" are added to make the border visible. The outputs are:

<Id ><Gender><      Name><   Balance>
<001>< M>< Tom>< +688.97>
<002>< M>< Jerry>< -12.35>
<003>< F>< Rose>< (12.35)>
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Has been a senior software developer, project manager for 10+ years. Dedicate himself to Alcatel-Lucent and China Telecom for delivering software solutions.


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